Pranava Nature Cure and yoga clinic – Yoga Classes in Hosur

Pranava Nature Cure and yoga clinic – Naturopathy

Pranava Nature Cure and yoga clinic – Yoga Classes in Hosur, Yoga Classes in Sri Meenakshi Nagar Thillai Nagar Hosur Tamil Nadu 635109

Naturopathy is not only a system of healing but also a way of life.
In Naturopathy, Patient is treated not the disease. Nature cure treats physical, Mental, Social (Moral) and Spiritual, all four aspects; at the same time thereby it leads to holistic health.

Nature cure is a way of life :
1) Four foundational elements of healthy natural life.
2) Aachaar – Right conduct
3) Vichaar – Right thinking
4) Aahaar – Right food habits
5) Vihaar – Right daily routine
According to the Nature cure food will be classified into Sattwik, Rajasik and Tamasik. A Nature cure physician can guide people not only in taking balanced and fiber rich food, but also can help people to take more Sattwik food, moderate Rajasik food and to avoid Tamasic food to keep diseases away.

Pranava Nature Cure and yoga clinic – Yoga Classes in Hosur, Yoga Classes in Sri Meenakshi Nagar Thillai Nagar Hosur Tamil Nadu 635109